Each year I like to add something to my Christmas tree that is a little outside the box. Something that isn't meant to be on a tree or something I have created myself.

A couple of years ago I decided to purchase a pack of clear glass baubles with no idea what I was going to add to the inside of them. They sat in my cupboard for quite some time until one day I thought maybe I should just add a simple white feather.

At the time I purchased the glass clear baubles from Lincraft but unfortunately the baubles are not listed on their website so instead I have linked a set from Amazon. To view the clear baubles click here.

The white feathers can be purchased from Spotlight and viewed by clicking here.
Tips and tricks I leant in the process
When adding the feathers to the bauble I used tweezers as the edge of the glass is quite sharp and could potentially cut.
If you have little one's I wouldn't recommend placing these baubles on your tree. They break easily if bumped and hit the floor. I myself have shattered quite a few of them over the past couple of years. Maybe look into the plastic clear baubles.
Coloured feathers don't tend to look as good in the bauble. White has a dramatic feel and pairs so well with a flocked tree = snow covered tree.
I have recently seen these exact baubles sold in a gift and homewares store for $9.95 each. By making your own they should cost you no more than $2.95 each. If you can locate the baubles cheaper in store I could see them costing no more than $1.50 each.
When hanging them on the tree I just loop the wire over a sturdy branch however if you would like to add some colour to your tree why not try adding a ribbon treaded through the wire loop. This way the ribbon can hang from the branch.

*This is not a paid promotion. All items listed above have been purchased by myself.